Tag Archives: House of Representatives

Governor violated confidentiality agreement with Senate and House negotiators

Senate majority sets the record straight with public release of transportation-negotiation documents.

20140212_LegWA_0110ksIn response to Gov. Jay Inslee’s violation of a confidentiality agreement between his office and transportation negotiators from the Senate and House of Representatives, Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, co-chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, today released the past nine months’ worth of House and Senate transportation proposals to set the record straight on the status of the state’s transportation package.

“In light of blatant and false accusations by the governor and his violation of a confidentiality agreement with the negotiating parties, we have been forced to release the negotiating positions of the House and Senate,” said King, who represents the 14th Legislative District. “In making these unprecedented disclosures, we are setting the record straight on just how far the Senate Majority Coalition Caucus moved toward the Democrats’ position and how truly close we came to an agreement during the last two weeks of the legislative session.”

“What was missing throughout the 2014 session was bipartisan leadership by the governor and commitment to reforming our broken transportation system,” King continued. “Governor Inslee failed to bring the two parties together and the Democratic co-chair of the Senate transportation committee along with leadership among the Senate’s minority Democrats, failed to allow reforms to come to a vote.” Continue reading

King says failure to pass transportation package not due to lack of effort

20140312_LegWA_0105abAt a news conference today – one day before the scheduled end of the 2014 legislative session – Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, and co-chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, lamented the fact that lawmakers did not pass an agreed-upon transportation revenue and reform package before adjourning. King added that the Majority Coalition Caucus, which leads the state Senate, repeatedly made compromises sought by the Senate minority, but to no avail.

“During the 2013 transportation feedback forum tour, we visited ten cities across Washington in five weeks. The vast majority of citizens made it clear that they wanted reforms before they’d accept any gas-tax increase, and we listened to the people.”

“From the very beginning, the MCC has prioritized reforms, and additional revenue was never off the table. But in the end, the Senate’s minority Democrats weren’t serious about making the tough reforms. They were more interested in tax increases and sound bites, despite knowing as well as I do that the state can’t win public support for a multibillion-dollar transportation package without first establishing that we are serious about fixing the waste, mismanagement and abuse that exists within the system.” Continue reading

King bill to let rural districts save through shorter school weeks passes Senate

king_120Small, rural school districts could transition to a money-saving, four-day school week if a bill proposed by Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, becomes law. Senate Bill 6242 would make permanent a 2009 pilot program set to expire this year that allows up to five school districts with fewer than 500 students to condense their school week.

“The communities of Bickleton and Paterson have taken advantage of this pilot program and found it to be an excellent cost-saver,” King said. “In talking with the superintendents of these school districts, they have found the shortened week has not affected their educational standards and they’ve been able to maintain the same level of quality education as before. It’s really working well for them, and my bill will allow them to keep going.” Continue reading

Tanning bed legislation heading for a floor vote

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Senate Bill 6065, my bill to protect children under the age of eighteen from the harmful effects of exposure to ultraviolet radiation associated with tanning devices, has received a public hearing and been approved by the Senate Committee on Commerce & Labor. It is now awaiting a vote by the full Senate, after which it would be considered again by the House of Representatives. Continue reading

Keeping Washington moving forward, Senate passes transpo budget

Sen. King speaks in favor of the transportation budget.Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, and co-chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, today expressed his thanks and gratitude to members of the Senate and its staff after the unanimous passage of the Senate’s 2013-15 transportation budget proposal. King, along with co-chair Sen. Tracey Eide, D-Federal Way, and fellow budget writers Sen. Steve Hobbs, D-Lake Stevens, and Sen. Joe Fain of Auburn, spoke positively of the bipartisan atmosphere in which the budget was created.

“When a committee has co-chairs with the same authority, the potential for gridlock is increased,” King said, “but Senator Eide has been an extreme pleasure to work with, as have our vice chairs. It’s been an honor to work with these individuals, the other members of the transportation committee, and both partisan and non-partisan staff, without whom none of this would have been possible.”

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Bipartisan Senate committee unveils 2013-15 transportation budget

king_120Making good on promises to continue a tradition of cooperation, leaders of the Washington State Senate Transportation Committee today proposed a bipartisan transportation budget that would spend $8.7 billion in 2013-15: $5.3 billion in capital construction spending and $3.4 billion for operating costs and debt service payments. The proposal would complete the tunnel replacing Seattle’s Alaskan Way Viaduct, restore and maintain ferry service levels, and improve or preserve highways across Washington, as well as make a number of system-wide reforms.

“We were faced with a particularly challenging set of circumstances this year, but I’m proud that this committee has not only faced those challenges but overcome them,” said Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, and co-chair of the transportation committee. “We’ve been able to maintain funding for all the projects to which the state is already committed, and we’ve even identified a number of areas where we can generate savings by implementing reforms.” Continue reading

Two of my bills make their way through the House

Since the Majority Coalition Caucus took control of the Senate in December, I’ve been able to get several of my bills passed by the Senate and sent to the House of Representatives for consideration. Two of those bills are of particular interest to me and I wanted to share their details with you. Continue reading


King says public must be consulted before new taxes are proposed

Senator Curtis KingMembers of the House of Representatives Transportation Committee unveiled their 2013-15 transportation revenue package Wednesday. It calls for raising the gasoline tax by 2 cents each year for five years, increasing the commercial gross weight fee by 15 percent, raising the motor vehicle excise tax by 0.7 percent, raising the hazardous substance tax by 0.3 percent, and a new $25 sales fee on bicycles over $500. Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, and co-chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, said it’s a proposal he expected. Continue reading

King bill will lessen burden on Washington farmers, employees

Senator Curtis KingGov. Christine Gregoire signed Senate Bill 6423 Thursday afternoon, clarifying in state law that farmers and their employees are not required to possess commercial driver’s licenses under certain conditions. The measure, sponsored by Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, received unanimous support from the Washington State Senate and passed the House of Representatives97-1.

“It’s a tough time in our state right now, and the ag community doesn’t need to bear any more of a burden than it already has,” King said after the bill’s signing. “Our state’s farmers and farm workers won’t have to worry about breaking the law any longer and can now concentrate on moving their products and equipment to continue driving our economy forward.” Continue reading