Thank you for visiting! Please contact me with any questions.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Thank you for visiting my website. As your 14th District State Senator, I want to encourage you to browse these pages and learn more about what I stand for as your voice in the Washington State Legislature.
I serve as the ranking Republican on the Senate Transportation Committee. It’s important to me that residents of the 14th District have their transportation needs identified and that our traffic safety are addressed. We must ensure that our agricultural and forest interests have open and efficient access to markets on the west side of the state.
I’m also on the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee. One of my top priorities is improving Washington’s business climate to encourage new businesses to develop and existing businesses to flourish. Having successful businesses in our state means more jobs for our citizens, something that will help drive our economy and improve our overall quality of life.
Please feel free to contact me directly with any comments, questions or concerns you may have about state government. It’s important to pay attention to what’s going on in Olympia because the decisions we make often directly affect you.
I encourage you to write me a letter or an email, visit our website often, subscribe to my email updates, or just pick up the phone and call my Olympia office at (360) 786-7626 or the toll-free legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000. Thank you for giving me the honor of representing you in Olympia. I hope to hear from you soon.
King supports Senate’s passage of supplemental transportation budget
14th District lawmakers invite residents to virtual town hall Feb. 22
King says gas-price hike from ‘cap-and-trade’ auctions will hurt drivers even more
King says Democrats’ attack on oil companies is attempt to steer focus from cap-and-trade’s effect on nation-leading gas prices
King: State needs to fast-track the rehiring of workers fired over COVID vaccine mandate
King pleased to see many 14th District projects in final state capital budget
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I'm Here to Serve You
A representative government only works when those represented take an active part in the process. I'm here to serve you, and your direct input helps me do my job better. Please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail, phone or by mail, or make an appointment to see me in person. I look forward to hearing from you!