Tag Archives: Jim Honeyford

Area lawmakers support historic, bipartisan Senate reform budget

Senator Jim HoneyfordSenator Curtis KingSenator Janéa Holmquist NewbryAfter a series of unprecedented procedural maneuvers Friday evening, minority members of the Washington State Senate Republican Caucus joined with three like-minded Democrats to temporarily gain a philosophical majority and introduce a sustainable budget proposal that doesn’t depend on gimmicks, tricks or tax increases. Central Washington senators say not only does Senate Bill 5967 close the $1.1 billion gap, it projects to be in balance by the 2013-15 biennium. Continue reading

Senators sign letter supporting AG lawsuit

Today Senate Republican Deputy Floor Leader Jim Honeyford, R-Sunnyside, delivered a letter to Attorney General Rob McKenna in support of his decision to join a bipartisan, nationwide group of attorneys general challenging the constitutionalityof the national health care bill signed into law this week. These senators signed the letter:

Sen. Randi Becker Sen. Don Benton Sen. Mike Carrell Sen. Jerome Delvin Sen. Mike Hewitt Sen. Janéa Holmquist Sen. Jim Honeyford Sen. Curtis King Sen. Bob McCaslin Sen. Bob Morton Sen. Cheryl Pflug Sen. Pam Roach Sen. Mark Schoesler Sen. Val Stevens Sen. Dan Swecker Sen. Joseph Zarelli

“Our caucus has long sought to ensure all Washingtonians have access to high-quality, affordable health care while maintaining our commitments to the vulnerable, working poor and elderly. Over the years we have introduced legislation to accomplish this goal,” the letter stated. Continue reading