In the News
Senate adopts King resolution to honor Yakima Health District
Members of the Washington State Senate took time Wednesday to mark the 100 years of service provided by the Yakima Health District. Senate Resolution 8654, sponsored by Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, was adopted unanimously. “Back in June of 1911, the Yakima County Health District was formed to deal with a...
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King bill to align state with federal transportation law passes Senate
The Washington State Senate today voted unanimously in favor of Senate Bill 5260, which removes the 75-foot length limit for saddlemount vehicle combinations from Washington State Law and increases the limit to 97 feet. “You’ve probably seen these vehicle combinations on freeways around the state. Often it’ll be a chain...
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King co-sponsors resolution to honor fallen DOT worker
On Jan. 16, Billy “Bud” Rhynalds was killed by a falling tree during a storm while he set up safety cones on State Route 203 near Carnation, in rural King County. Today, members of the Washington State Senate paused to remember Rhynalds, a 12-year maintenance employee with the Washington State...
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Ferry reforms would cut waste, bring parity and efficiencies
The state ferry system would eliminate wasteful practices, adopt operating efficiencies and bring ferry employees’ compensation in line with other state employees under a package of reforms introduced today by key Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate.
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Senate Republicans announce 2011-12 committee assignments
The Senate Republican Caucus today announced its committee assignments for the 2011 and 2012 legislative sessions, including ranking (lead) Republicans on the state Senate committees. They will be: Agriculture and Rural Economic Development Ranking: Sen. Jerome Delvin Other members: Sens. Mark Schoesler, Jim Honeyford and Randi Becker Early Learning and...
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King votes for budget reductions during one-day special session
State lawmakers today approved several budget bills designed to narrow the state’s $1.1 billion budget gap during an emergency six-hour special session. Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, voted in favor of the bills, saying he supports this first step toward fiscal sustainability. “This is just a first step,” King said. “The...
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King calls largest tax increase in state history ‘very troubling’
The Washington State Senate today passed a bill amounting to the single largest operating-budget tax increase in state history. Senate Bill 6143would increase taxes by $794 million in the current biennium and nearly $1.7 billion in the 2011-13 biennium. Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, voted against the bill, saying the direction...
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Raising taxes on businesses will not create jobs, King says
The Washington State Senate today passed Senate Bill 6143, which would create or raise 21 separate taxes, including the state’s business and occupations tax. This is the second time the Senate has passed the massive tax bill due to the Legislature currently being in special session until the majority can...
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King says Senate tax-bill message is ‘We just want your money’
The Washington State Senate today passed Senate Bill 6143, which would create or raise 21 separate taxes. Sen. Curtis King, R-Yakima, issued this statement after the measure passed by a vote of 25-23. “Before the passage of this tax package and the budget it would support, the Legislature had been...
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